Saturday, June 18, 2011

The sewer

I've been in the car a lot in the last four weeks, and more often than not, the radio has been on. Because I don't generally listen to the radio, I've suddenly noticed just how much garbage is floating around in the airwaves. We aren't dealing with just a few pieces of debris here and there, it's a full-on city sewer, and we're swimming in it. Voluntarily. We might avoid the worst of it, switching stations when a song loaded with F-bombs comes on, but the problem is so much more pervasive than that.

Case in point: I recently heard "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars for the first time. It's catchy song, and it's funny the first time you hear it, in that "stick it to society" kind of way that every young generation seems to love. But it's sinful to the core. Think about it: Ignoring the song's immediately objectionable elements, can you imagine Jesus singing about lying in bed all day? Can you picture Paul lounging in a snuggie watching MTV? I could go on and on with a hundred other songs, but you understand the point as well as I do. You have to be careful when you listen to this stuff, or you'll get sucked in.

And here's the problem: We think we are careful. We know how to handle it. We're confident we can sort the good from the bad. We're comfortable knowing it doesn't really affect us. And that's exactly what Satan wants us to think. There's no way we can put the things of the world into our heads and expect something good to come out. How can we feed the flesh and expect the spirit to grow?

Perhaps we'd do better if we just turned it off. On second thought, scratch the perhaps.

To make a long post short, this is what I love the most about Ganderbrook. It's a quiet refuge from the incessant drumbeat of the world's mixed-up priorities. And there, we can finally begin to hear the voice of God.


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