Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christmas Morning Jitters

You know that feeling you get when you wake up on Christmas morning, and you are sitting right in front of the presents? The presents are staring at you saying, "Open me!" You can't though until everyone gets there. Your mouth waters, and all the feelings of anticipation from the previous 364 days are becoming heavier and heavier on your shoulders. Take that feeling and multiply it by a million, and you have the feeling I have right now about camp starting. Our job right now is to get people pumped about Gander Brook, and it just gets us more and more pumped. It is all I think about. It is in every prayer and every story. We are so close to driving through those gates and preparing for the kids to arrive. We are going to camp on Saturday, but it won't be the same. It is when the kids arrive and the camp grounds are booming with energy that it comes alive and could conquer the world. I think about camp every single day. I talk to people from GB every single day. If counseling at GB were a full time job, I would be the first on the list. It is the greatest blessing that God has ever placed in front of me! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us the next couple of weeks. Please pray for all of us!                          -Laura Newberry

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of Christmas morning--I'm thinking you ambassadors should organize a Ganderfieldtrip to the Christmas Loft in Conway. Great plan.
